Hi all,
Lots of odds and ends in today's post.
Jobs Update - Helping Friends
Within my personal network, I've had a good handful of people I know that were laid off recently or are actively looking. They're good people, located in the Boston area, including a
- Technical product manager
- Industrial designer (consumer goods background)
- Mechanical engineer (med device and consumer goods background)
- Electrical engineer
Reach out to me with any job posting you think may be relevant and I'm happy to make a connection.
3d Printing My House
No, I'm not 3d printing the full house. My seven year old wanted to make a model. I showed him how to use the line tool, trace over some images, and extrude shapes.
Some of his observations "The dining room went way faster than the kitchen!" My reply: "Guess which one costs a lot more to build, too?"
We were doing about a room an evening before the guide bushings literally fell out of the print head assembly. It was an old printer, where they used 3d printers to print parts for the 3d printer. It was one of the first sub-$1000 machines to hit the market over a decade ago and I think it's time for an upgrade. Whatever it is, I don't want to tinker with it, I just want the parts that come out of it.

The circuit board assemblies from the Voltmeter Clock Auction are back and they work! We were all set to start assembly today, when we found that the 3mm Phillips head screws we ordered were not what were shipped. Minor hiccup, but they'll be out the door within the next 1-2 weeks.
I'm Speaking at the next Boston Hardware Meetup
I'm speaking at the next Boston Hardware Meetup, where I'll be giving a talk about my philosophies and approach to hardware project management. I'm also giving a lecture at Babson in December to about how I break down software user stories and help Product Managers, Designers, and Engineers work together.
What's Next?
I have some follow up blog posts to pair with the approach to user story breakdown, I started tinkering a little with the circuit from a few weeks ago, and a few art projects.
best regards!
Sam Feller
aka THE Awkward Engineer
p.s. Looking for a job? Looking for good people? I want to help. The AwkEng email list is over 1000 readers and has a pretty targeted audience. Let me know who or what you're looking for!